When I first
found out about the opportunity that WomenNC offers to be a CSW Fellow, I
cannot explain the emotion I felt knowing I could potentially have a chance to
make a difference in not only my community, but possibly the state. As a first generation college student, I
cannot explain how difficult it has been for me to navigate through the process
of finding the right college, figuring out how to pay for it, and also the
application process.
It was somewhat difficult for me to
narrow down my options of what topic to research, but I have found that there
is nothing better than to work on something I am very passionate about and also
something I have experienced firsthand.
There is still much to work through on my topic, but to give you a broad
overview of what I will research is the educational opportunities/resources
available to the children of immigrant women, specifically how to increase the
rate of students who go on to pursue higher education. I am hoping that through this research I can
a make long lasting impact on the community of Durham. I hope the Durham City Council will find not
just my research, but the research of my fellow participants significant and pursue
through necessary legislation to make the necessary changes in Durham.
One of my goals is to put into
practice what I have learned up to this point in the classroom. I am trying to treat this as my first real
life assignment. As a public policy
major, this research is something where many of my classes come together and I
hope I can make not only my institution proud, but also my professors.
My overall goal is to take this
experience and turn it into something I can continue to work on even after all
of my work is done with this Fellowship.
I have found that everything I have done thus far, leads to the path of advocacy. I am very proud of myself for being a part of
this, and I cannot wait to learn as much as I can from this experience. I am very excited to see where this will lead