Sunday, March 10, 2019

Consultation Day

Today we went to NGO consultation day, which gave a good overview of the themes and issues to be delved into in the coming week. In addition to musical performances and Panels, their were many eloquent speakers doing important work to advance gender equity. My personal favorite speaker was Gharsanay IbnulAmeen, an girls education advocate in Afghanistan and co-founder of the Afghan Girls Sustainable Education Project and the Global Youth Development program. Her work has increased the enrollment and school completion rates of girls in her province, and at 22, she is the youngest ever recipient of the award. 

Gharsanay has done so much for her country in her short 22 years, and is so far from done. Her multifaceted approach of working with community leaders at the local level and with the highest levels of government, all while training the next generation of women leaders is incredible. I feel very privileged to have met Gharsanay today. 

In addition to her amazing work, her age and demeanor really struck me. I will be 22 in less than a month. I am inspired by the work that Gharsanay is doing to continue my journey as a women's rights activist. 

I am honored and excited that Gharsanay is in my generation of leaders, and I look forward to meeting more incredible young people like her this week. 

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