Today is the day of our workshop which I am really looking forward
to. The tips and advice we’re going to receive about our presentations and TV interviews
will be much needed and I can’t wait to learn what I should and should not be
doing. I’ve received a couple of edits of my paper and I will continue to
finalize my paper so that I can have it finished and perfect by next weekend.
On another note, Joe Biden joined forces with Mariska Hargitay,
star of Law and Order: SVU, to create a series of PSA announcements that
provide help for victims of domestic abuse. I’m really excited to hear about
this because Law and Order: SVU is a show I really like to watch. It showcases the
realities of sexual assault, domestic violence, etc. The realities that people
need to understand. Having the combination of our Vice President and a
television star with fans across the world will show the range of people who
truly want to help and make a difference because it is a very important issue. In one of the PSAs, Biden makes sure to say, "domestic
violence is never the victim's fault." (Joe Biden's statement from Robbie Couch's article in the Huffington Post) This distinction is not made
too often and it is great to hear it in the PSA. Here is the article link if you’d like
to read the article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/17/joe-biden-mariska-hargitay-sexual-assault_n_6004236.html?utm_hp_ref=womens-rights
As far as school goes, I started classes 2 weeks ago and I
am really looking forward to my classes this semester! Last semester flew by so
quickly and I’m sure this semester will go by so fast as well especially
because there are so many amazing events that we have to look forward to which
include the Feb 19th event, our trip to NY, and much more!
Until next time,
Dina Shehata
HMMM..."Domestic Violence is never the victim's fault" sounds like one of those statements that Stephanie Scotti was telling about in her training today--the essence of your message, in her words, "your unique perspective". Of course, this is not your topic, Dina, but it is a great example of a message that would "stick"!