I have to apologize for the lateness of this blog post—between the whirlwind of
the final day of sessions at CSW, rushing to a Colombian restaurant uptown with
Isabella, and attending Les Mis on Broadway (!), time slipped away, and before
I knew it, I was packing up for airport and flying home to Raleigh.
wrap up CSW, I attended the all-day Inter-Generational Panel in the ECOSOC
room, which, during the time I was inside, touched on many issues near and dear
to my heart (and presentation topic.) I was particularly moved by one speaker, who discussed
the idea that… “Slavery lasted for hundreds of years. Colonialism even longer.
Overt male domination for a millennia. Antiquity of a prejudice is no justification
for its perpetuation—gender discrimination must end”.
In between the morning and afternoon
youth session, Isabella and I traveled to the Church Center for a session regarding
reproductive healthcare sponsored by Planned Parenthood International. One of
the best parts of the panel was a speech on inequality given by a public health
official from India: ““We use so many passive sentences, like: ‘Women get
pregnant. Women get raped. Women are not being paid enough’. Who is the other
actor in this? These things do not happen in a past-tense vacuum. There are
people deciding women’s work is not worth as much as men’s. This is society’s
current value system. Is poverty an adjective? You don’t become poor like you
become a guitar player. We must shift the discussion from poverty to
inequality. It’s not just you were born without money. There are social systems
is place that mean you were never going to have the same amount of money.
Having money is more important than doing work. What is the machine that has
perpetuated inequalities? That’s what we have to go after. “let’s maintain that
way of life”. Can we not consume more equally, and less of it? Where are
natural resources being spent? Government budgets need to go to the assets that
benefit girls and women.” ß(This is just what I wrote down!)
After saying
goodbye to the United Nations building (for now), I headed uptown with Isabella
for some fantastic authentic Colombian food, followed by Les Mis. My last day
ended on such a positive note, and waking up this morning to realize the week
was over was truly bittersweet. I am so excited to take what I have learned
back to NCSU, and I am so incredibly grateful to Beth, the entire board, Isabella
for working so hard, and WomenNC for affording me a once-in-a-lifetime
Thank you, thank
Great quotes from the sessions. Very thought-provoking. Thanks for sharing them. Back to your regular life and the regular schedule tomorrow, but I'll bet you have a new outlook on many things! Glad you enjoyed the trip--and you obviously took advantage of the special opportunities!